Saturday, October 3, 2009

First talks - AGI

What is AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)? This new term for AI seeks to differentiate itself from the old-style "narrow AI" that can only accomplish specific tasks, not be generally intelligent.

10:00 am -- A couple of the talks this morning were about whole brain emulation, which could lead to a way to back up or transfer our intelligence to a new substrate, such as a computer.  Some of the most interesting questions about this are the ethical one.  Does a conscious emulated intelligence (assuming for the moment such a thing is possible) have legal rights, such as informed consent for experiments? 

11:10 -- Ben Goertzel seems to have his act together around AI.  He runs Novamente ( and Open Cog (, so he’s doing things for real, and not in academia.  But still, how is it different from AI as I learned it in college in the 80’s?

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